A pn - junction diode is an electronic device formed from a p-type and an n-type substance semiconductor. A semiconductor diode has the property of one way conduction i.e. it allows electric current to flow in only one direction.
A pn-junction is fabricated by placing a small amount of indium on a plate or wafer of n -type germanium. Indium on heating at 550oC melts and diffuses through a small part of the n-type germanium. Indium being a p-type impurity, converts the part of the n-type germanium to p-type material. Thus a junction is formed between p-type section and an n-type section of germanium.
A brass-base is used to fix the pn-junction to which leads are attached as shown:
The whole apparatus is sealed in a glass tube or a metallic tube.
As we know that a p-type substance has excess of mobile positive charge or holes and n-type substance has an excess of negative charge or electrons, the electrons from n-type and holes from p-type sections flow across the junction and combine. In this way a layer of positive charges is formed on the n-type and a layer of negative charges on p-type material. Due to induction of these layers a potential barrier is now developed across the junction and further flow of charges is prevented from one side to the other.
Fabrication is still nice aspects but remeber about basics semiconductor diode aspects that are still true