case hearing delayed again by us judges and it is postponed to unannoucned date.megaupload founder kim doctem earlier tweeted and showed his new megaupload site"mea" screenshots and promised to relaunched the famous file sharing website on jauary 19th the same date when its website was ban. was seized for criminal charges for money laundering,illlegal file transfers and for the uploading of hollywood movies to its server.megauplaod founder clearly stated that they had not idea for what user has uploaded due to privacy issues and we cannot enter to user account.he also clarify himself by saying that the uploading was so huge and they can check everysingle file uploaded to their servers every second they had 800mb file uploaded to thier servers and its impossilbe to check them.
kim coctem promised that once its new mega is lauched,it will never go down,not affected by anyone and it will be more safer better than previous version of megaupload.user will have a authority to upload thier files and check the privacy is expected to be launched in january 2013. was seized for criminal charges for money laundering,illlegal file transfers and for the uploading of hollywood movies to its server.megauplaod founder clearly stated that they had not idea for what user has uploaded due to privacy issues and we cannot enter to user account.he also clarify himself by saying that the uploading was so huge and they can check everysingle file uploaded to their servers every second they had 800mb file uploaded to thier servers and its impossilbe to check them.
kim coctem promised that once its new mega is lauched,it will never go down,not affected by anyone and it will be more safer better than previous version of megaupload.user will have a authority to upload thier files and check the privacy is expected to be launched in january 2013.